Filters in Sonlet Parties

One way of helping your customers feel comfortable when shopping is to teach them how to use the platform correctly. They will have a better shopping experience and be more willing to shop with you again 🙂

In Sonlet Parties, some customers only want to look at a certain size or style to see what you have that will fit them. Instead of scrolling through many sizes, they are able to narrow it down.

In the party, click “Filters”.


It will show you a menu like this:



Select styles or sizes. You can select as many or as few as you would like. For example, maybe you have a customer who only wears smalls and mediums. She can select small and medium and see exactly what styles you have in her sizes.



Using these filters will allow customers to have a more streamlined viewing experience and help you have the best party possible 🙂


  1. Jodi Hughes

    Everything on this website has really surprised me! Great job, you’ve definitely succeeded as far as making all the things including all your post not just what your selling is awesome!

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