Live Sales!

Hey everyone!

Let’s talk about live sales!

Once you get the hang of them, live sales are a GREAT way to boost sales and activity on your page.

If you are nervous about live sales, or want to improve your live sales, here are some tips that I have found useful:

  • Watch Other Live Sales

Beg. Borrow. And Steal.  Why re-create the wheel when you don’t have to? It really helps to see how each person sets up a live sale and interacts with customers while selling.

  • Practice

Get on your page and do short videos.  Do a quick live drawing.  Hop on and remind everyone about a giveaway you are doing.  Thank your VIPs for being so awesome.

The more you go live, the more comfortable you will feel.  If it isn’t natural for you, I promise it can become natural.  You just need practice so you can find your groove!

  • Do YOU!

Watching live sales taught me one thing: no two people are the same.  Isn’t that great? You are a unicorn!  Be you and be confident in who you are.  That will draw people to you! People will get used to how YOU do things, and you’ll be surprised at how being real, honest, and human will draw people to you.

  • Be Prepared

If you get the jitters before live sales, do everything you can beforehand to give yourself confidence during your sale.  Get your lighting and selling station set up before hand, have your numbers ready, have your clothes organized, and be ready to go so you can avoid any last minute stresses.

  • Switch Things Up

I used to only do live sales at night.  My kids were in bed, and I figured most of my gals were off work.  I had a great audience, but I always got the same crew. One day, I decided to try a live sale in the early afternoon.  I had a completely different group of women show up.  It was so fun!  Switching things up will reach a different customer base.

  • Be Consistent

If you aren’t selling a lot right now in your live videos, my advice would be to remain consistent!  Do a live sale once a week.  The event can be planned or a total surprise.  Just do it!

If you don’t get a ton of sales during your video, don’t think it is all for naught!  Your customers connected with you!

  • Don’t Ask for Permission

I remember once asking my group “should I go live or should I post photos in albums?”  Of course, I got a mix of responses including the dreaded “I HATE LIVE VIDEOS.”   Some of my VIPs love live videos and some don’t. Instead of asking them what they wanted (which I love doing sometimes), I should have gotten them pumped for the live sale and product I was about to show them!

If you have group members who don’t love live videos, do short ones!  You don’t have to show every single piece that comes in your box.  Just show a few items, and then everyone will still want to check out your albums when you post because they’ll want to see what else you have.

  • Connect with Your Customers

I love live videos because, after in-homes, they are the next most personal way to connect with your customers.  While I love that live videos boost sales, they are even more important because they help your customers get to know you and feel an attachment to you.

  • Be Flexible

Things don’t always go as planned.  It will be okay!

I’ve had a few hiccups in my live sales, including my phone falling over.  Did I love that it happened?  Nope!  But was everything okay?  YES!  I still sold items!  It just gave us all a good laugh, and we continued on with the sale.  And hey, it gives you something to talk about too. 😉

  • Keep It Simple

Baby steps!  We often over complicate selling in our world.  Just remember, all you need is yourself, your clothes, and a great internet signal, and you are good to go.

Now go rock those live videos!  You’ve got this!



  1. I went live last night just to talk about the xmas gift given to me by my sponsors and how amazing the culture is. Had 3 people live there with me but other will see it 🙂 Also, got hacked by my 2 yr old wanting to say hi to the group! He’s almost been in all the sale just because he steals the phone! 🙂 🙂

    Thanks for the tips- it helps to know we aren’t alone!

  2. Mary Kate Brenner

    This is great! I want to do live sales but I always tend to ASK permission! Why am I asking? This is my business, not theirs haha This post is great! Thanks for the tips 🙂

  3. Erika

    I love this. Thank you. I was so nervous my first time doing it alone ( my assistant helped in my first two) that I accidentally went live in my personal page. After 15 minutes I realized what I did when “men” from my personal friends started watching. Eek!!
    I quickly said ooops sorry and turned it off. I wasn’t sure I wanted to try again. But I did and it was hysterical with a few sales..
    Then I used the “mishap” on my on my personal page to promote my business &VIP group.

  4. Chandra L Scales

    Hi, thanks for the blog. I’m a new consultant. I just received my shipment on 1/13/17 and yes I’m very nervous not only about going live but I’m I going to reach any customer’s. I bought my first LuLaRoe about 3 months ago from a friend and I watch her live sales and listen and I thought I’m going to try this. Step out the box and try it. I love clothes and I love to shop so why not try it. It’s been fun setting up and getting ready but then the shipment arrived and boom all the nervousness and feeling scared about everything has fallen on me. I’m trying to shake it and just get on with everything. If you have any other advise please share. Thanks for blog.

  5. Cynthia McClain

    The more you do them the easier they get. As a customer, I leave live sales when children are loud, constantly in the camera/disruptive. Yes you have children but this is a business!

  6. Michalene Arrigo

    OK, so I tried going Live from here last night and ended up not being able to figure out how to do it from my phone. I couldn’t see myself on the phone or anything. I’m going to try again this afternoon from my laptop and hopefully that works.

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