Tip Tuesday: We Love Customers!


Today’s Tip Tuesday is all about our customers. We’ve been getting a lot of tickets submitted by people who shop through the STR parties and have questions, comments and feedback. I thought I could take this opportunity to share with you what they have to say 🙂

The first thing to remember is that not everyone is as tech savvy as you 🙂 Before even having a sale, customers will need to be taught how to use ShopTheRoe. How can you do this?

  • You can make a quick tutorial video (we’re planning on making one soon, but you might beat us to the punch 😉 ). There are also a lot of graphics found on the ShopTheRoe Users Facebook page. Post one of these graphics the day before your sale and walk your customers through the steps of how to claim items.
  • Make sure they know they need to be signed into STR before they make a claim so that they can be quick and their items can be saved in their profile. If they are not signed in, their items will not be recorded.
  • Let them know they will not be paying through STR, but should expect an invoice from you.
  • Help them understand your rules of the party. Have them posted clearly on your group page. The better they understand the process, the more comfortable they will feel in making a purchase.

I have created a Test Party for all of you to use 🙂 You can have a “Practice Sale” where you can have your customers pretend to shop. You can give them a link and they can go explore the party and get a feel for it before your actual party. I will cancel claims periodically so that others can claim and practice. This might be a good option for the customers who need a little extra help. Here is the party link: https://sonlet.com/party/304420114p/

The next thing to remember is that the customers want to have contact with you. If they make a purchase, they expect an invoice quickly. We get a lot of tickets wondering when their invoices will be sent. It might be a good idea to post in your Facebook group when you will be sending out invoices just so that they can know when to expect them. If you are selling through a Multi Consultant Group sale, try to send them before the sale is over so the customer can have contact with you.

After the sale, maintain contact with your customers. If a problem arises with a product, make sure they know how to handle it. So many customers don’t know what to do if their items are damaged or they need to exchange for a different size. Maybe shoot a quick email asking how they are enjoying their new purchase. This will definitely strengthen a relationship with them and they will be more likely to shop with you again. They often ask us for your contact information, which we will never divulge, but they do want to be able to reach you if needed.

We have been happy to answer customer questions, but I feel as though it would be more beneficial to you as consultants to maintain a relationship with them. Guide them through the process and help them be aware of the way your Shop works. The best way to make your business successful is to take care of your customers <3



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